HTTP HTTP GET --no-clobber # # Server-side HTTP/1.0 200 OK Connection: close Content-Type: text/plain Content-Length: 4 foo # # Client-side HTTP GET without clobber when 100 files already exist http http http://%HOSTIP:%HTTPPORT/%TESTNUMBER -o %LOGDIR/exist%TESTNUMBER --no-clobber to stay the same perl -e 'for my $i ((1..100)) { my $filename = "%LOGDIR/exist%TESTNUMBER.$i"; open(FH, ">", $filename) or die $!; print FH "to stay the same" ; close(FH) }' # python3 -c 'for i in range(1, 101): open("%LOGDIR/exist%TESTNUMBER.{}".format(i), mode="w").write("to stay the same")' perl -e 'for my $i ((1..100)) { my $filename = "%LOGDIR/exist%TESTNUMBER.$i"; open(FH, "<", $filename) or die $!; ( eq "to stay the same" and eq "") or die "incorrect $filename" ; close(FH) }' # python3 -c 'for i in range(1, 101): assert open("%LOGDIR/exist%TESTNUMBER.{}".format(i), mode="r").read(17) == "to stay the same"' # # Verify data after the test has been "shot" 23 to stay the same