127 lines
3.3 KiB
127 lines
3.3 KiB
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "raylib-cpp.hpp"
#include "raylib-assert.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "---------------------");
TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "TEST: raylib-cpp test");
// Get a path to where the executable is so file loading is relative.
std::string path = "";
if (argc > 0) {
path = GetDirectoryPath(argv[0]);
// Vector
raylib::Vector2 position(50, 100);
AssertEqual(position.GetX(), position.x);
position.x = 150;
AssertEqual(position.GetX(), 150);
AssertEqual(position.GetX(), 300);
raylib::Vector2 speed(10, 10);
position += speed;
AssertEqual(position.x, 310);
AssertEqual(raylib::Window::IsReady(), false);
raylib::Vector2 size{50,50};
raylib::Vector2 halfsize = size / 2.0f;
AssertEqual(size.x, 50);
AssertEqual(halfsize.x, 25);
raylib::Vector2 doublesize = size * 2.0f;
AssertEqual(size.x, 50);
AssertEqual(doublesize.x, 100);
// Color
raylib::Color color = RED;
AssertEqual(color.ToInt(), ::ColorToInt(RED));
color = RAYWHITE;
::Color raylibColor = RAYWHITE;
AssertEqual(color.r, raylibColor.r);
// Math
raylib::Vector2 direction(50, 50);
raylib::Vector2 newDirection = direction.Rotate(30);
AssertEqual((int)newDirection.x, 57);
// Image
// Loading
raylib::Image image(path + "/resources/feynman.png");
// Chaining
image.Crop(100, 100)
.Resize(50, 50);
AssertEqual(image.GetWidth(), 50);
AssertEqual(image.GetHeight(), 50);
// raylib::LoadDirectoryFiles()
std::vector<std::string> files = raylib::LoadDirectoryFiles(::GetWorkingDirectory());
Assert(files.size() > 3);
// raylib::TextReplace()
std::string input = "Hello World!";
std::string output = raylib::TextReplace(input, "World", "Moon");
AssertEqual(output, "Hello Moon!");
// raylib::TextInsert()
std::string input = "Hello World!";
std::string output = raylib::TextInsert(input, "Good!", 0);
AssertEqual(output, "Good! World!");
// raylib::TextSubtext()
std::string input = "Hello World!";
std::string output = raylib::TextSubtext(input, 6, 5);
AssertEqual(output, "World");
// TextSplit
std::vector<std::string> output = raylib::TextSplit("Hello|How|Are|You", '|');
AssertEqual(output.size(), 4);
AssertEqual(output[1], "How");
// Wave
raylib::Wave wave(path + "/resources/weird.wav");
Assert(wave.IsReady(), "Expected wave to be loaded correctly");
// RaylibException
bool passed = false;
try {
raylib::Texture texture("notfound.png");
catch (raylib::RaylibException& error) {
passed = true;
Assert(passed, "Expected to have a RaylibException to be thrown");
TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "TEST: raylib-cpp test");
TraceLog(LOG_INFO, "---------------------");
return 0;